Last night I attended my first ever Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) meeting. You know, the people who are all dressed up as knights and ladies?

At first I was really nervous about showing up. I have been thinking about joining the SCA for a few years now but really have too chicken to try it out on my own. Thankfully, everyone there was was very welcoming and warm. They were actually excited to see me there even though they had never met me. I sat in on their business meeting which was a lesson to all of us in other organizations on how to be quick and efficient while still accomplishing things, played with their two big dogs, discussed a better way to make Tudor sleeves and how to make a Tudor corset, and generally had fun! I can't wait to go back.
One of the women there has a masters in costume design and offered to help me create my garb. This will be a bonus. Bottom line: I had fun! I think I shall be returning.

The King and Queen of the Midrealm. (My sovereigns.)
P.S. I hope I'm not being overly obsessive. In other words, I hope this isn't a fad for me.