Discovery Channel's Shark week is back.... and it's got bite! Every year in the first week of August television screens across the nation are filled with images of flashing teeth, extraordinary feats of escape and capture, and shadows lurking in the murky waters that strike fear into the very core of our bodies. Deep, resonating chords of drama shake your nerve and build an almost intolerable anticipation as you listen and watch, waiting for the moment when the lone swimmer will be snatched from the surface in an onslaught of fins, force and gnashing teeth. The 2 hour premier
Blood in the Water lived up to the hype and chronicled the bloody Shark attacks off the New Jersey coast in 1916 that inspired "Jaws". Instead of the stereotypical photographs scrolling across the screen with voice overs it was a 2 hour reenactment worthy of the silver screen.

Okay, enough of the drama. In the summer of 2006 Jesse and I used Shark Week as an excuse to spend time together in the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity house. Staying up late in the common room watching sharks on TV allowed us to talk and get to know each other without all the rowdy fraternity brothers. It also marks the first official week of our relationship. So now, it has become tradition as part of our anniversary celebrations to watch Shark Week.

I have been storing a Martha Stewart cupcake idea for about a year so that I could make fabulous theme desserts for the opener. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you shark infested waters off a tiny island..... err in other words dyed blue frosting with construction paper fins and a crushed graham cracker topping and a fun girly drink umbrella. I also made a fabulously cheesy shark card for Jesse. The start of Shark Week was amazing and so were the cupcakes!
Thank you Martha, I heart you!