Occasional Thoughts

from an overly ambitious costumer

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Now I Remember Why I Hate Games......

The game of chess is a lot more difficult than I remember it being. If I recall correctly I used to be pretty awesome at it. Not so much anymore.... I was swiftly beaten by Jesse's superior ability to think more than two moves ahead. I believe it took him under 10 minutes to place me in check mate. . . Damn. (This inability to think ahead is why I am also a terrible card player.)
It was like I was 6 again. I was furious that I had lost so quickly and so thoroughly. I felt so dumb! I lashed out. I don't remember what I yelled but I know I did. And I recall wanting to hit something but instead I cried. This of course made me feel even more dumb. Anyway, after that initial game we ended up playing at any opportunity that presented itself; sans tears. It's actually a lot of fun!

......Or so I thought.......
Jesse came home later in the week with Axis and Allies which is, as it turns out, just a glorified game of chess with twice the amount of really tiny pieces. I spent most of the game in a disproportionate amount of rage and tenseness. I really don't know why games get to me so badly. Jesse started the game kicking my butt, then I was winning for a while..... um yeah, I had to concede. After 5 hours of play there was no way I was going to be able to win. :(

I hate games. (But secretly I have really enjoyed playing them with Jesse. Shhh. Don't tell.)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Full Tilt

Sometimes it worries me how out of tune I can be with my own body. I mean, who knew a uterus could tilt? Not that mine is; the doctor ruled that one out. It also concerns me that when discussing tiled uteri, the image of Saturn on a full tilt pops into my head. Maybe in my head it represents the mysteries of womanhood and all that..... or maybe I'm just silly. Both are equally possible.

On a slightly related topic the earthquake in Chile caused the earth to tilt on it's axis therefore shortening the day by 1.26 microseconds.... Again I say, "Who knew?"