It was wicked cool!
Sometimes I can get so wrapped up with trying to be authentic or making new dresses that I forget how new it all is to the public. It really is amazing to watching people learn and be fascinated with something that you have been able to bring to life for them in a way a history book never could. For the first time the past becomes real. You can see the realization on their faces when it hits that this actually happened, life used to be like this! I love that feeling!
I wish there was a way for me to do this for a living. . . . . .
The New Member Committee meeting went over well. We all agree which is great! And the e-board loved my brochure, so that's become my baby. (I am feeling important.) And I have decided to take on planning the Soldier's Aid Scenario for Greenfield Village next year. :) Life is good in the reenacting world.
I do however, wish that I had clothing for a deeper stage of mourning so I don't feel so left out or out of place. I've always wanted to do a widow impression. Damn, money sucks. Maybe next year. Although this is the year we happen to be doing two mourning events...
Note to Self:
Look up local historical societies and see which ones I could stage a take over of.