Occasional Thoughts

from an overly ambitious costumer

Monday, June 2, 2008

Strange, But Nice.

As luck may have it, Jesse and I might be moving into the house I lived in a year ago. Interestingly enough, this does not bother me despite the slight strangeness I feel when I look at the pictures of the place online. It's more of a hey, I used to live there than a weird to be back... hmm this is proving to be much harder to describe than I had thought. Perhaps it's because there was so much tension in the house before that it didn't really feel like home? I don't know. But I do know that I am feeling excited to move back in. That is, if we get the okay from Nancy.

I find myself looking at the interior photographs online and planning where I will arrange the furniture, and where I will hang things on the walls. And yes, I have gotten on the HGTV Room Planner and used that tool to arrange the furniture to scale. Nerdy, I know. This time I am sure that it will feel right. This time it will be all my (and Jesse's) things that make up our lives, whereas before, clearly three very different people lived there. Now it will be ...home. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed living at Maple Brooke, but I will like having space for my reenacting stuff and a spot/place for everything. Reenacting things in the basement where they belong, a guest room, an office, a master bedroom, etc. No more feeling cramped and canned in like sardines. Every time I drive by that neighborhood I get a nostalgic felling of happiness. It feels good to be there. I loved walking and even running those blocks and giggling where Coach pooped, finding a new appreciation for grilling, remembering laughing summer moments on the front porch with Kate, and fireworks in the park...

I like quiet "country life" but for some reason I also like the Vine Neighborhood; people sitting on their front porches watching cars and people go by, trees and sidewalks. The creepy neighbors moved so I am not so concerned with safety anymore and I think Floyd still lives next door. It truly would be nice to move in again.

Cross your fingers!

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