Hey, America! I could care less who you vote for. Just vote!
I'm not going to preach about which candidate you should or shouldn't vote for, you can make up your own mind. That's the beautiful thing about being an American. But I am going to tell you to get out and rock the vote tomorrow. Get off your butts and show up to your polling station! What's a chunk out of your Tuesday once every four years? Nothing! It's time we as women and young people and everyone else stop being passive about our government and take charge! This is our right as a citizen of this country and it's about time we start exercising it. People all over the world have given their lives in the struggle to vote freely and countless more will. Think government isn't about you? How many of you have student loans to pay? How many have credit-card debt? How many want clean air and clean water and civil liberties? How many want jobs? How many want kids? How many want their kids to go to good schools and walk on safe streets? Decisions are made by those who show up! You gotta rock the vote!
"If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them."
~Senator Paul Wellstone
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