Occasional Thoughts

from an overly ambitious costumer

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

State Dinner

Just as the White House prepares for President Obama's first official state dinner, the Haenicke Institute hosted our own version, even if on a much smaller and less stately scale. The evening began with the singing of the American and Chinese national anthems and the alma mater and concluded with performances of traditional chinese dances and music. With the opening ceremonies of the Confucius Institute at Western Michigan University concluded, faculty, staff and distinguished members of the community made their way to the Kalamazoo Country Club for dinner. The Haenicke Institute played host to a Chinese delegation that included the Vice Cousul General from the Chinese Consulate and distinguished guests from Beijing Language and Culture University. Toasts, placecards, and more forks than one really needs set the mood amid a crackling fire and votive candles. Goodwill and friendsdhip between our two countries!

I love my job.