Occasional Thoughts

from an overly ambitious costumer

Thursday, December 4, 2008

An Excerpt from Panem st Circenses

"Do not call them Muslims. That gives them legitimacy. Do not call them Jews, or Christians, or Muslims; call them what they are. Call them terrorists. Terrorism has no religion."
--Dr. Gamal

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Donatella Moss

"Actually, Josh, when I said I was assigned to you, I may have been overstating it a little.

Okay, when I said I graduated, I may have been overstating a little.

Look, I think I can be good at this. I think you might find me valuable."

So I was poking around on change.gov and found out that you can apply to work at the White House. And what I really mean is that I found out how to apply to be Donna Moss and Margaret, and Ginger....

You know what? Let's do it. Lets drop everything and go work for our government. Lets go and live in a West Wing episode. (I hope it's as much fun as Sorkin made it look on tv)

An American Moment: My Inspiring Story Submitted to Change.gov

For as long as I can remember being interested in politics I have yearned for the political dialogue of the past, believing that oratory and exchange of ideas was no longer eloquent or inspiring in contemporary politics. I longed for the speeches of the Kennedy brothers, wishing their speech writers would magically become young again and eager to inspire. I dreamed of what it would have been like to be in the same room as Lincoln or Jefferson as they gave resounding voice to our dreams and hopes as a nation; to be in awe as FDR healed our wounds. Perhaps it is a characteristic of our generation to be jaded and cynical for I believed that modern politics consisted of nothing more than going through the motions.

When I turned on the Democratic National Convention in hopes of learning more about a candidate that I admittedly knew very little about, a candidate whom I was supporting simply because I didn't like the other guy and my candidate had already been knocked out of the running, I was wary, worried that once again we had a cookie cutter candidate. I was wrong. Never in my life have I been so inspired by my contemporaries. Never has my heart been so filled with hope and confidence. In an era where attack ads are king and violence plagues the news I heard in the voices of those speaking a glimpse of the past, a reflection of the hearts and minds of a nation. I heard passion, inspiration, hope, and most of all I heard truth. I believed what was being spoken. I believed those whom I never thought I would believe, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Senator Teddy Kennedy, Senator Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama. I wanted to grab a sign and shout at the top of my lungs that this is what our nation has been lacking; this is what politics should be! In an era where politics mostly focuses on the negative, I, for the first time as an eligible voter, felt positive about my choice for president.

I like many others watched the news, read the internet, and researched looking for every bit of new information about the presidential campaign. Where did the candidates stand on the economy, foreign policy, education, civil rights? I watched as Joe Six Pack and Joe the Plumber were introduced, thankful that my candidate wasn’t either. For me he represented so much more. He represented America, the perfect embodiment of the American dream. The son of an immigrant raised in modest means that aspired and worked hard, all the while thinking of his fellow man, someone who was intelligent and not afraid to be so. Shouldn’t we wish for an extraordinary person in the White House?

Election night friends gathered around the television to watch the coverage, coloring in our own electoral maps as the results came in over the major news stations. We’d flip from one to the next since they all were reporting at different speeds. We passed out cupcakes with our candidate’s logo in frosting and cheered out loud when the results favored Senator Obama. I knew in my heart after Pennsylvania and Ohio were called that Senator Barack Obama would become President – Elect Obama once the West Coast’s came in. We cheered and popped Champaign, hugged, and cried as we not only witnessed history in the making but participated in it.

That night I was filled with a fierce hope and pride as I listened to both Senator John McCain’s concession speech and President – Elect Obama’s acceptance speech. They reflected the spirit of America, an America that is tired of red states and blue states. For the first time in my life I felt a part of something greater than myself. For the first time I felt we wouldn’t be lying to our children when we say “You can be anything you dream to be.”

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It Grew Strength From the Young People Who Rejected the Myth of Their Generation's Apathy ...

"Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope." ~ President Elect Barack Obama.

(The electoral Map as of 6:55 a.m. November 5, 2008)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dear America

Hey, America! I could care less who you vote for. Just vote!

I'm not going to preach about which candidate you should or shouldn't vote for, you can make up your own mind. That's the beautiful thing about being an American. But I am going to tell you to get out and rock the vote tomorrow. Get off your butts and show up to your polling station! What's a chunk out of your Tuesday once every four years? Nothing! It's time we as women and young people and everyone else stop being passive about our government and take charge! This is our right as a citizen of this country and it's about time we start exercising it. People all over the world have given their lives in the struggle to vote freely and countless more will. Think government isn't about you? How many of you have student loans to pay? How many have credit-card debt? How many want clean air and clean water and civil liberties? How many want jobs? How many want kids? How many want their kids to go to good schools and walk on safe streets? Decisions are made by those who show up! You gotta rock the vote!

"If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them."
~Senator Paul Wellstone

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tell Me What You Really Think, America.

Click on the image to make it readable. It's worth it. Trust me.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Apparently All The Grown - Ups Have Gone Home

Upon returning from a business trip in Malaysia Cat, a co-worker of mine, presented me with a beautiful pashmina in hues of warm honey, chrome blue, and woven florals. I don't know how she found it, but it screams me, right down to the metallic silver threads that twinkle when the light catches it just right. I decided to wear my pashmina to work, determined that it be worn for more than just keeping warm on the bus. That's where it all began.

Throughout the day I was showered with compliments about my pashmina and, of course, this made me feel great and international considering my earrings were from Prague and the Pashmina from Malaysia. Well in addition to the compliments John, another co-worker, made it known that the way I was wearing afore mentioned pashmina reminded him of a fighter pilot. He also proceded to tease me about it. The bantering back in forth between he and I that ensued continued throughout the day and eventually came to (what I thought was) a hilarious climax.

3:45 p.m. the office is quiet. Most of the senior administrative types are at meetings...
The community printer located in my cubicle begins to groan to life.

John: (from his cubicle which is next to mine) " Hey Bridget, could you grab that document for me and just hand it over the wall? I'm being lazy.

Me: "Sure thing." (Cross over to printer)

This prints out -

I bust out laughing and stagger over to the cubicle wall that separates John and I and demand an explanation as he stands up (taller than the wall) and gives a huge grin.

John: "I thought it was appropriate."

Me: (Handing the picture over the cubicle wall behind me) Lee, check this out! This is what John thinks I look like!

Lee: (chucking her aviator glasses over the cubicle wall) "Here put these on."

Me: (turning to John's cubicle and posing like the above picture) "Here how about now?" I siad through stifled giggles.

John: (Busts out laughing) That's brilliant!

We all start laughing and Lee says from her cubicle, "Apparently all the grown-ups have gone home."

We continued to laugh...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


For as long as I can remember being interested in politics I have yearned for the political duologue of the past, believing that oratory was no longer eloquent or inspiring in contemporary politics. I longed for the speeches of the Kennedy brothers, wishing their speech writers would magically become young again and eager to inspire. I dreamed of what it would have been like to be in the same room as Lincoln or Jefferson as they gave resounding voice to our dreams and hopes as a nation; to be in awe as FDR healed our wounds. Perhaps it is a characteristic of our generation to be jaded and cynical for I believed the modern politics consisted of nothing more than going through the motions.

Last night I turned on the Democratic National Convention in hopes of learning more about a candidate that I admittedly know very little about, a candidate whom I was supporting simply becasue I don't like the other guy. I was wrong. Never in my life have I been so inspired by speeches given by my contemporaries. Never has my heart been so filled with hope and confidence by politics. In an era where attack adds are king and violence plagues the news I heard in the voices of those speaking a glimpse of the past. I heard passion, inspiration, hope , and most of all I heard truth. I believed what was being spoken. I believed those whom I never thought I would believe, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Teddy Kennedy, and Michelle Obama. I wanted to grab a sign and shout at the top of my lungs that this is what our nation has been lacking, this is what politics should be. In an era where politics mostly focuses on the negative, I, for the first time as an eligible voter, felt positive about my choice for president.

Please, if you have a chance, watch the rest of the convention. See if you can feel what I am writing about. If you missed last night's speeches, you can hear them at www.npr.org under "Elections 2008" or go to http://www.demconvention.com for the videos and transcripts.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thing I Learned About Weddings

Here are a few things, for future reference, I have learned about weddings:

- Have the wedding indoors. This will eliminate 90% of the stress about the weather.

- Do not split up couples. If one is in the wedding party, the other should be as well. Otherwise it's just too awkward.

- Invite the brothers of Alpha Sigma Phi

- Real flowers over fake.

- A photo booth is a must!

- Dance lessons should be required.

- Music plays a bigger role than you would think.

Mr. and Mrs. Rachel and Joey Wood

Well, I did it. I went and I didn't let my unfounded jealousy take over. Maybe only for a few moments here and there but overall I actually enjoyed myself. To be quite honest, it was the most fun wedding I have ever been to. And the ceremony was beautiful too, not only visually but meaningfully as well. Too bad I'm Catholic and have to have a priest officiate because I would have Uncle John preside over my wedding any day. ;) I have never been to a ceremony that was filled with so much love and reverence for the two people about to become husband and wife; and so much respect for the meaning of marriage.

I don't know how to make this next part come out right but I'll give it a whirl. It was wonderful to be a part of a wedding that had next to nothing to do with religion or God. That's not to say that God wasn't there or mentioned because he was. Perhaps more so than if it were all about the religious aspect. This truly was a celebration of two people's love for each other, their commitment to one another. Is that not the purest form of God's love? Why muddle it up with all the heaviness and pressure that comes along with religion? I don't know what else to say other than that was the most beautiful ceremony I have ever been to and the only ceremony I have physically felt the love radiating from everyone present.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Wood.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Who Would Have Thought?

Well there actually is something about Western that I like.

I absolutely love being put on hold when dialing across campus! I mean, have you ever truly listened to the hold music? It's classical; and not only that, it's beautiful! I've never heard such beautiful music while on hold- anywhere. Usually I get cheesy elevator music or obscure contemporary classical. But no, not at Western. I just wish they'd chime in and name the compositions so I could go out and get them for myself.

I <3 Western's hold music.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another Level

Just when I thought I could not be anymore nerdy I actually managed to reach yet another level of nerdom. Which is it though? Have I surpassed geek and made it to ultimate nerd? Probably. Although in my defense, I have never, nor will I ever attend a Star Trek convention. I am sure you're wondering what this new level is. Well, I shall enlighten you.

Last night I attended my first ever Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) meeting. You know, the people who are all dressed up as knights and ladies? Yeah, I went there. And it was fantastic! I knew it was going to be a perfect fit when I overheard one of the members talking about fighting on the battlefield to "defend His Majesty" who was fighting next to him at Pennsic last year. Freakin' awesome! Definitely my kind of people.

At first I was really nervous about showing up. I have been thinking about joining the SCA for a few years now but really have too chicken to try it out on my own. Thankfully, everyone there was was very welcoming and warm. They were actually excited to see me there even though they had never met me. I sat in on their business meeting which was a lesson to all of us in other organizations on how to be quick and efficient while still accomplishing things, played with their two big dogs, discussed a better way to make Tudor sleeves and how to make a Tudor corset, and generally had fun! I can't wait to go back.

One of the women there has a masters in costume design and offered to help me create my garb. This will be a bonus. Bottom line: I had fun! I think I shall be returning.

The King and Queen of the Midrealm. (My sovereigns.)

P.S. I hope I'm not being overly obsessive. In other words, I hope this isn't a fad for me.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Harrison the Ford

Oh happy day! Finally I will be getting a car, my own mode of transportation, freedom. And it's not just any car; it's Harrison the Ford! Which honestly makes the whole thing that much sweeter. Thank you Kate for making my week. :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

Thank you Cat! I am getting a singer sewing machine!!!
No more borrowing and begging, I will have my own and can work on my projects whenever I please. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Diary of an Overly Ambitious Costumer

Finally, I have settled on what to be for Halloween. I've been through my customary month long period of indecision and have decided to go as Ann Boleyn. Woo hoo! Should be a fabulously complex, yet relatively easy project. . . I think.
I've always wanted to do a Tudor gown and I can use it more than once. Michigan renaissance Festival, watch out here I come!

While doing research for the gown and French hood I happened upon several amazing dress diaries, how to's if you will. I've always wanted to do one of my own so perhaps now is a perfect opportunity to start. I'm pretty sure I'll have to write myself reminder sticky notes though, since I'm likely to forget to take pictures and post. But I think I'm up to the challenge.

Maleficent and the Queen of Hearts shall have to wait until another year.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Historical Thoughts

I spent this past weekend out at Waterloo Farm with Audrey and the rest of the Michigan Soldier's Aid Society presenting Victorian mourning practices to the public. We began with a fashion show on the stages of mourning, deep mourning, second mourning, third mourning, etc. Outside the farm house was the first stop for the public. There they were able to learn about mourning practices and superstitions, make a calling card, and make a mourning cockade to show their respect for the grieving family. Next they were ushered into the farm house's sitting room where a MSAS member would explain the significance of the original artifacts we had on display. The public was then instructed to enter the parlor through a black curtained doorway if they wished to pay their respects to the grieving family. In the parlor, the public saw a flower filled room with all picture frames, mirrors, and windows draped/covered in clack fabric. They also saw several MSAS members mourning over a coffin placed upon the table. In the parlor they were able to leave their calling cards and learn about what they saw and the reasons/superstitions behind it. At the end of the day we concluded with a period funeral precession and service.

It was wicked cool!

Sometimes I can get so wrapped up with trying to be authentic or making new dresses that I forget how new it all is to the public. It really is amazing to watching people learn and be fascinated with something that you have been able to bring to life for them in a way a history book never could. For the first time the past becomes real. You can see the realization on their faces when it hits that this actually happened, life used to be like this! I love that feeling!

I wish there was a way for me to do this for a living. . . . . .

The New Member Committee meeting went over well. We all agree which is great! And the e-board loved my brochure, so that's become my baby. (I am feeling important.) And I have decided to take on planning the Soldier's Aid Scenario for Greenfield Village next year. :) Life is good in the reenacting world.

I do however, wish that I had clothing for a deeper stage of mourning so I don't feel so left out or out of place. I've always wanted to do a widow impression. Damn, money sucks. Maybe next year. Although this is the year we happen to be doing two mourning events...

Note to Self:
Look up local historical societies and see which ones I could stage a take over of.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


We got the house!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Hate Waiting

Next to playing games by the rules there is nothing I hate more than waiting. I am fairly certain Jesse and I are in agreement about the house. In fact, I know we both want it. So why haven't we sent an e-mail back to Nancy? Beats me.

Seriously, I've been walking around all week with this giddy anticipation knotted up in my stomach. And let me tell you, there's only so much a person can take.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My PeaceJam students truly are amazing people. I am so proud of them and feel honored that I was able to invite two of them to be one of four students selected to spend the day with Archbishop Desmond Tutu when he comes to speak in Kalamazoo. They will have lunch with him, sit on stage with him, and ask him questions in front of the thousands of people filling Miller Auditorium. I am so happy for them!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Strange, But Nice.

As luck may have it, Jesse and I might be moving into the house I lived in a year ago. Interestingly enough, this does not bother me despite the slight strangeness I feel when I look at the pictures of the place online. It's more of a hey, I used to live there than a weird to be back... hmm this is proving to be much harder to describe than I had thought. Perhaps it's because there was so much tension in the house before that it didn't really feel like home? I don't know. But I do know that I am feeling excited to move back in. That is, if we get the okay from Nancy.

I find myself looking at the interior photographs online and planning where I will arrange the furniture, and where I will hang things on the walls. And yes, I have gotten on the HGTV Room Planner and used that tool to arrange the furniture to scale. Nerdy, I know. This time I am sure that it will feel right. This time it will be all my (and Jesse's) things that make up our lives, whereas before, clearly three very different people lived there. Now it will be ...home. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed living at Maple Brooke, but I will like having space for my reenacting stuff and a spot/place for everything. Reenacting things in the basement where they belong, a guest room, an office, a master bedroom, etc. No more feeling cramped and canned in like sardines. Every time I drive by that neighborhood I get a nostalgic felling of happiness. It feels good to be there. I loved walking and even running those blocks and giggling where Coach pooped, finding a new appreciation for grilling, remembering laughing summer moments on the front porch with Kate, and fireworks in the park...

I like quiet "country life" but for some reason I also like the Vine Neighborhood; people sitting on their front porches watching cars and people go by, trees and sidewalks. The creepy neighbors moved so I am not so concerned with safety anymore and I think Floyd still lives next door. It truly would be nice to move in again.

Cross your fingers!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Sometimes you are so taken aback by unexpected events that the full effect of them does not set in until the next day. Kristen, Lee's ex- girlfriend of 10 years. . . died. We got a call from Jesse's mom, who was very close with Kristen, yesterday evening that she had been taken to the hospital in an ambulance and that she was very sick. Only a few minutes later we got a second call. . . I could hear crying on the other line. (I wasn't on the phone.) Kristen had passed away. And the worst part was, Lee was on call that night; he was the one who had to bring her in. - She was so young. . .

I knew Kristen, not well but she was around when I first started dating Jesse. We got along really well. . .

It didn't really sink in until this afternoon. I suppose the shock wore off. I feel heavy with sadness, more for those who were close to her than for my loss of her, but I still feel it. It's strange; I want to shout that she's gone and will never be back. I want everyone to know she's dead. But they don't know. They don't know who Kristen Mitchell was or that she's gone. . .
If this is what it's like mourning the loss of you boyfriend's brother's ex-girlfriend, I can't imagine losing someone
close to me. . .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Green Thumb

So I have this plant. It sits atop my desk - and so far, I have managed not to kill it. This, in itself, is nothing short of a miracle. That is, if you don't count the miraculous snapdragons of last summer that just refused to stop blooming even after I continuously forgot to water them.

So I have this plant. It doesn't bloom, doesn't do much really other than remind me that I wish I were outside in warm weather. Honestly, it's just an obligatory office plant. It's there because it should be. Yet secretly, I find myself proud that it's there and that I haven't killed it. . .


Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

Resolutions. . . I guess

For some strange reason I am wicked motivated this week. It's like a switch went off in my brain and now, all of a sudden, I have motivation; something I have lacked almost my entire life. So yeah here it is: my game plan in a nutshell.

I have decided that it's not about being skinny; it's about feeling good and healthy. Not gonna lie, getting skinny would be a bonus but I refuse to fixate on that. So here it goes:

Weight Loss Goals-FOOD
* Substitute all drink for water. If I absolutely must have flavor use crystal light.
* Cut portion size! Use a smaller salad plate and follow size of hand rule.
* Get the 100 calorie snack packs or rice cakes for something sweet to maow on
so my blood sugar doesn't get low and I won't binge
* Actually pay attention to calories. . . bah.

Weight Loss Goals-ACTIVITY
* FitZone 3 times a week @ 45 minutes- and hour
* Utilize free gym (treadmill) at KVCC ( I have a free hour between Yoga and bus)
* Be active with Jesse
* 10 minutes of crunches/Yoga in the morning or substitute it instead of t.v. time
* Ask for help with motivation from loved ones

Weight Loss Goals-OTHER
* Track my progress in a journal
* Total daily calorie intake should be: 1690.3

Weight Loss Goals-OVERALL
* Get down to a size 12: Big Picture
* Lose a few pounds a week
* Boost self-esteem
* Be healthier!

So yeah, there you have it. It seems big but in all reality they are just small lifestyle changes, things I can actually be motivated toward and accomplish. No more far fetched I want to be a size 5 by next month crap. LoL! I have already started doing it all too. Most of it anyway. The things I'm not yet, I am at least working toward. Go me.