Occasional Thoughts

from an overly ambitious costumer

Friday, July 27, 2007

Playing House

Yesterday, Jesse and I signed the lease and got the keys to our new place! Honestly, it is surprising how the whole situation still feels a bit surreal, even after we spent an entire evening scheming and planning about where things should go. The first thing we did was throw open the curtains, open the windows and stare at each other standing in the middle of the living room with huge blissful smiles on our faces. Then we hugged; hugged like there was no tomorrow and if we let go the world would somehow magically end. God it was an amazing feeling.

After grabbing the initial load of boxes stuffed full of our belongings and setting up the computer Jesse and I started existing together, really existing for the first time. He got a phone call and wandered off into the other room while I continued to check my e-mail. Gone are the days where we have to feel guilty for things like that. Our time isn't limited anymore and I can not even begin to explain how liberating that is.

Our neighbors already must think we're freaks. Here we were residents for not more than an hour and we were prancing around with giant goofy smiles on our faces doing random happy dances in the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, and anywhere else it pleased us. (We had forgotten the windows were open.) But that's the way it's supposed to be isn't it? You're supposed to be so happy that you forget all else, nothing could possibly have mattered but the two of us and our new home.

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